
Working in the Gatton now

I arrived Gatton(near Bristane by 2 hours train and bus) on last Sunday night. Then I started to work on Monday. I did three days shallot and one day another vegetable. Today is a rainy day, I need not to work. The farm job is hard, it is quite boring and after work you feel tired and don't want to do anything. But it is good to strength mind. The most important thing I learn for farm job: using your brain to earn money is much better than using your body.
There are many farms with different vegetables near Gatton, so many backpackers come here to work and save money for traveling. The weather is not good recently, always cloudy or rainy. It affects works as well. The pay is not very good here, I only earn around $50 AUD per day. Under this rate, it is hard to save money. I will leave for another Taiwanese farm next Saturday, the pay is by hour ($14.95 AUD). I plan to go to Bowen for tomato picking job, casue the pay should be more than $100 per day. This will help me to save money more quickly.

After saving some money for around three months, I plan to travel to Ululu, Darwin Cains, White Sundays island, Fraster island, Syndey, then Melbourne and Tasmania for two months. Then go back to Taiwan before the Chinese New Year.


  1. it's good to know that everthing is fine now. if you will come brisbane for one or two days sightseeing, just come to me. you are welcome to stay here.
    cynthia@brisbane, from Taiwan

  2. Surprising! You know what? You have a big fan from China, mainland now.
    I have read you blog when you plan to go to Australia. Once I begin to read your words and sentence, I just can’t stop.
    You are such a brave, elegant girl; I hope I could have the good attitude to life as you when I am in your age.
    Nice to know you. Good luck to your whole journey!

  3. Dear cynthia,
    Thanks for your kindness. I will go to another Taiwanese farm this weekend. I may work there for around one month. When I finish the farm job, I would like to visit brisbane for one or two day.
    If you are still in Brisbane at that time, I will visit you. Here is my optus phone,0417-051-588. Keep in touch.

  4. Dear Amy,
    Thanks for reading my blog. I am really glad that you like my blog. I have never expected that I will have fan. This blog is only known by some of my friends. I just hope everyone can share my life from reading my blog. Thanks for your encouragement, I will keep updating my life in Oz.


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