
My Sydney Address

*Sydney Harbor Bridge

I will stay in Sydney until the early of January. If anyone want to send me somthing, like postcard, letter or some other thing. Here is my address in Sydney.

2912/91 Liverpool St, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia


OMG! My good friend may be going to die!~


Last week, I dropped my notebook. One side of the axis is broken, it needs repair. My notebook just like my best friend and it connects me to many things. With almost four years company, I am so sad that my best friend VAIO is going to die. Don't go, my dear my VAIO!! I still need you to apply many schools.


I'm in Sydney now!

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* Sydney Opera House

Finally, I see the famous Sydney Opera House, it is so beautiful in the evening. The night view is glorious around Sydney Opera House. I start to fall in love with this city. I just arrived Sydney for a few days. I am so poor now, I need to get a job ASAP. Anyway, this's another whole new start! Sydney is such a big city with amazing energy. Sydney lets me feel alive and back to Taipei.
I'll move into sharehouse this Saturday and stay here until new year.
. I think about whatI am going to do for the next three months in Sydney. Here are my targets.
1. Get a job and save money
2. Apply MBA
3. Join the free English course
4. Take the GMAT again.
5. Learn surf. (But I need to improve my swimming skill first)

After Sydeny, I want to travel to Tasmania, Ululu, and Darwin. I also hope I can dive in the famous SS.Yongala wreck again. If I have enough money, I would like to travel to some countries in South-East Asia before I come back to Taiwan.

Sometimes, I feel stress and down. Sometimes, I feel so free and happy. My life still goes on in Australia. I am not sure when I will go home. Maybe...before Chinese New Year..maybe... :P


不斷地相遇分離 無力拭去滿心的倦怠
在他眼中看到 掩藏在凌亂鬍鬚未褪去的稚氣天真
在他眼中看到 隱約的渴望在眼神交會中黯然退去
在他眼中看到 赤裸慾望伴隨著脫口而出的性邀約
但 迫不及待地退出追逐遊戲 總是我


When you say nothing at all


This is the theme song of the movie " Notting Hill" (新娘百分百). With the gentle voice and melody. I can't help listen this song again and again. I hope meet someone who let me have the same feeling as this song describes.

Lyrics of this song as following.
When You Say Nothing At All(盡在不言中)

It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart,
Without saying a word you could light up the dark,
Try as I may I could never explain,
What I hear when you don’t say a thing.

The smile on your face let me know that you need me,
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me,
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall,
You say it best when you say nothing at all,

All day long I can hear people talking out loud,
But when you hold me near ,You drown out the crowd ,
Try as they may, They can never define,
What's been said between your heart and mine

The smile on your face let me know that you need me,
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me,
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall,
You say it best when you say nothing at all,

All day long I can hear people talking out loud,
But when you hold me near, You drown out the crowd,
Try as they may, They can never define,
What's being said between your heart and mine

Chorus twice


Unexcepting gain:Lose Weight

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*Hugo with Koala in Magnetic island.

My mother always thinks I'm too fat, she is so seriously to ask me lose weight in Australia. She thinks I look pretty when my weight is 52 kg. However, it has been 6 or 7 years my weight is over 52 kg. I don't know if I can make it or not, most people get some weight in Australia. After traveling around Australia nearly four month. I am really lucky to lose some weight here. Because the farm job is too hard and hot, I lose some weight. This is a unexpecting big gain for me.

It has been a long time I didn't know how much my weight is. I'm afraid of knowing it. This morning I find a scale in my accomdation. I stand on the scale with fearful feeling. I'm so surprised that my weight is back to 52 kg again. Although I hope my weight would be under 50 kg one day.

I am really happy now, today I will call my mother and tell her I achieve her exception finally. I would like to buy some new clothes and dress well to celebrate my losing wegiht. However, I am poor now. Don't have much money. It's pity.

*I'd try keeping my weight until I come back to Taiwan.


Scuba diving in Great Barrier Reef

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*Hugo in Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef is one of the famous place in Australia. The best way to take a look of Great Barrier Reef is scuba diving. There is also a famous wreck-Yongala near Townsivlle, Yongala is one of the top 10 popular diving places in the world. Due to Great barrier Reef and Yongala wreck, I decide to learn scuba diving. Be a scuba diver sounds like a good and crazy idea for me.

Tell the truth, I'm afraid of water. I can swim, but not a good swimmer. For me, Scuba diving is a real challenge to overcome the fear.

I joined a 5 days course in Townsville, the first two days are theory in classroom and swimming pool teaching. After that is the three days trip in outer reef and SS.Yongala. The theory teaching in the classroom is fine with me. The scuba diving skills in the swimming pool is also fine with me. But when the teacher ask me to

* to be continue....



再次聽到這熟悉的音樂 淚水卻不自覺溢出眼框
我懂 有些事時間無法抹去
現在 我已不需偽裝堅強


Leave Bowen and go for Townsville

This morning I woke up and had a strong feeling that I can't stay in Bowen anymore. So I packaged all my stuff within two hours and booked a ticket to Townsville, the sencond biggest city in Queensland. Finally, I quitted the tomato picking job. Thanks God!