
Unexcepting gain:Lose Weight

hugo and kowala for blog.jpg
*Hugo with Koala in Magnetic island.

My mother always thinks I'm too fat, she is so seriously to ask me lose weight in Australia. She thinks I look pretty when my weight is 52 kg. However, it has been 6 or 7 years my weight is over 52 kg. I don't know if I can make it or not, most people get some weight in Australia. After traveling around Australia nearly four month. I am really lucky to lose some weight here. Because the farm job is too hard and hot, I lose some weight. This is a unexpecting big gain for me.

It has been a long time I didn't know how much my weight is. I'm afraid of knowing it. This morning I find a scale in my accomdation. I stand on the scale with fearful feeling. I'm so surprised that my weight is back to 52 kg again. Although I hope my weight would be under 50 kg one day.

I am really happy now, today I will call my mother and tell her I achieve her exception finally. I would like to buy some new clothes and dress well to celebrate my losing wegiht. However, I am poor now. Don't have much money. It's pity.

*I'd try keeping my weight until I come back to Taiwan.


  1. Hey!Looks so beautiful and sunny.Keep it under 50 when you back to Taiwan.

  2. I don't understand that you want to lose weight... but, anyway, greetings from Townsville!

  3. congregulation..!!

  4. 照片上的妳看起來很俏皮的喲~

  5. To Steven,

    The standard of Beauty and Thin is different between the West and the East.
    In Asia, most girls are much thiner than me. :P


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