
My Christmas in Sydney

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* Very Christmans style photo. Me and my girl friens.

I had a big dinner with many Taiwanese and Koreans in the Chirstmas eve. Then I went to pub for dancing with my girl friends. This's the first time I went to pub in Sydney. The pub called "Three Wise Monkey", it was very crowded. There's a live band in the pub, everyone enjoyed the night and danced with his style. Even I was a bad dancer, I enjoyed the atmosphere. The music was too loudy, you needed to yell when you talked to someone.
When we went out for another pub, two guys with dark brown skins said they liked me and invited me to go to another pub. I just smiled and said Merry Christmas to them. It's too dangerous to go out with strangers. Again, I don't understand why I always attract people with dark brown or black skin in Oz ( You can read try me post in my blog). Maybe this is because I have very brown skin. In Taiwan, many people ask me if I am the Taiwanese aborigine because of my skin color and big eyes. Someday I did shopping in Sydney, a stranger(Thai man) talked to me and asked me if I am a Thai as well. Do I really look like Thai woman or woman comes from the Middle East?

After the pub, me and some Taiwanese girls went back to my sharehouse, we played the card game and drank beer until 4:00 am. In my sharehouse, my sharemates held a X'mas and birthday party as well, the party finished at 5 am in the morning. Sydney was really sleepless city at Christmas Eve.

Btw, I got the $50 cash in my hotel's Christmas Lucky draw. Haha... How lucky I am recently.


  1. Dear Hugo :
    I got your X'mas card. I was so suprised and happy.It's colorful, I like it a lot. Thank you very much.

    I have a question. Hope you can answer me with your kindness.
    I am thinking my first stop to OZ. Do you think which one is better ? Melbourne or Syndey ?

    Thanks for your time.

  2. Dear Sarah,

    I recommend Melbourne. Because now it is the right time to visit Melbourne. Melbourne's my first stop. I arrived Melbourne in June (winter), the weather was really too cold for me. It's hard for me to get a city job in Melbourne. So I left Melbourne soon. Now it's a good season to visit Melbourne, not too cold. It is also the best time for Tasmania. Tasmania is a must go place in Australia. If you want to do the farm job, you can find a job in Tasmania or go to West coast. Due to the drought, the farm job is not easy to get a good farm job in Victoria.

    I love Sydney. You can visit Sydney around the New Year, don't miss the Bridge Firework show! It'really gorgeous. If you still have any question, don't hestiate to ask me.


welcome your feedback