

When people ask me "do you feel homesick?" I always answer "No, I don't miss Taiwan that much". However, I think carelessly about my cats and some small things of Taiwan several times every day. Sometimes I lost power to do things. Suddently, I realize I am homesick.

One thing bothers me a lot... as I stay aborad longer and longer,I know that I am losing the connection of everything in Taiwan. I hate this feeling...

1 comment:

  1. Dear Hugo :
    remember me ? this is sarah from Hsinchu. I just wanna let you know that I am going to leave for Australia in May 18th.Finally... I have been waiting for long long time. :)

    homesick? I know how that feels , when you feel it... just read chinese website and cook chinese food .. call your family... you can do lots of things about it. cheer up , times goes si fast,it will be over soon.

    wish you all the best :)


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