





Di Da Di

跨越了半個地球苦苦追求的留學生涯,義鄉生活有苦有樂!每天這麼被時間追逐著,可能是年紀大了,我常常覺得很累,在學校疲勞轟炸了11小時後,就再也沒有力氣走進廚房煮飯,所以回家都提早幾站下電車到一家中國南美餐廳吃晚餐...一個人吃晚餐,相對於四週的喧嘩,覺得格外落寞。想起今天,當我玩笑著跟同學們說上週末夜發生的事情時,驚訝於我的自己泰然,在這裡...每個人都有自己的壓力和問題...不堅強,又能靠誰? 終究還是要繼續這裡的生活..每次遇到壞事我大多能逢凶化吉,該感謝天!

走出餐廳,漫步回家的路上,望著手上和腿上的傷口,情緒一下子湧上...我真的覺得好不甘心...一路上就這麼Di Da Di走回家...還好,雨過就天晴..而未來路還很遠!








Summer adventure

During the whole August, I plan to travel around Europe alone. I'm very excited about this trip, a good adventure to explore Europe. Below is my traveling schedule. For my poor budget, I need to save as much money as I could when traveling around.

So If you have friend living in the cities that I am going to visit, pls let me know if your friend can do me a favor: let me stay in his/her place when I visit his/her city, even one or two nights staying on the sofa would be greatly appreciated.

1 August
Italy/Milan --->Switzerland/Geneve
5 August
Switzerland/Geneve ---> Germany/Munchen
8 August
Germany/Munchen ---> Austra/Vienna
11 August
Austra/Vienna ---> Czech/Prague
14 August
Czech/Prague ---> Germany/Berlin
17 August
Germany/Berlin ---> Frence/Paris
24 August
Frence/Paris ---> Spain/Barcelona
28 August
Spain/Barcelona ---> Spain/Valencia
30 August
Spain/Valencia ---> Spain/Madrid
4 Sep
Spain/Madrid ---> Italy/Milan(end)


Sure, I am in Italy!

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* The photo of two roses which are for two beauties in our house..:P

Today, I and my flatmate found two roses and one letter in front of our door when we went out. We are surprised that someone did this. Well, for me it is a little bit romantic. But my flatmate thinks this is terrible.
Because a few mins before the flowers was sent, someone rang our bell and he said he was the DM dileverman, he ask us to do him a favor to open the door of our building. But my flatmate refused this request, she thinks this is not appropriate to let some stranger go into our building. So we believe the man who rang the bell sent the flowers to us. But the questions are, since this guy does not live in our building, how could he know exactly which level and apartment do we stay? Our building is a big building with many units. Then maybe someone always watch our life through window somewhere. The flowers are seems homemade, and the letter is written by a normal note paper with carefulless hand writing. The notes says "You two are beautiful to me..." He wish to contact us by email, so in the end he wrote his email. My flatmate says this guy is not sincere to do this. She feels uncomfortable that someone is watching our life. However, I don't feel so bad about this. I believe human nature is good, so this guy won't do any bad thing to us.

Any, from this romantic little episode, sure...I am in Italy and here has many passional Italian guys.


How I miss you

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*Black slept at my bed in Taipei.

As I still remembered that the first day I took you home in Tainan 8 years ago. You were smaller than my hands and always fell sleep when I were holding you in my arm. I swore to take care of you until you die since you walked into my life. Day after day, you grew up and we had conflicts sometimes, but we created our way to get along.

I would like to take you to Italy. But I understood how hard for a cat to take a long trip in the airplane and adapt a new enviorment in another country. It's good for you to stay at Taipei's home, you get another cat's company, you enjoy the sunshine in the roof any time. My family takes care of you well for me, because they know how much I love you and they love you as well.

Everyday, I think about you, what you are doing at home and are you happy? I know a cat's life cycle is shorter than Human's. While I am persuing goals in my life, I can't take care of you anymore. I feel myself selfish and guilty to you. If something bad happens to you, how can I forgive myself. I can't company you when you are in the hard time because of distance. Last year, I traveled to Australia, mother told me that you looked so loney everyday, you were waiting for me in front the door and did nothing for a long time. This time, I am away from home again. But you are fine and has more interaction with my brother and mother. I am not your core of life anymore. I am so happy for you but I feel lost. I wish you know how much I miss you here. I don't know when we can live together again, I wish that day is coming soon.

New DC: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-LX2

*Panasonic LUMIX DMC-LX2, mine is black color.

Yesterday I got my new digital camera-Panasonic LUMIX DMC-LX2. The price of LX2 is much cheaper in Taiwan than that in Italy. Thanks to Hamting bought it in Taipei and Damma brought it from Taipei to Milan for me.
I choose Panasonic LUMIX DMC-LX2 as my new DC is mainly because of its great lens- made of Lrica, stylish look. It has very strong foundations and munal operation model, classical performance, and the detail of its body is elegant. The size of LX2 is perfect for me, I don't like the slim type-not easy to hold and not heavy too carry out. The most attractive advantage of LX2 for me is its 16:9 wide photo mode and 28 mm lens.

My old digital camera, Sanyo J1 has already companied me for more than 4 yrs. I had a lot of good time with Sanyo J1, it traveled with me to 6 countries. Some foundations of J1 don't work very well and the locker of battery has broken. This makes me not take photos in Italy so often. So I rarely uploaded new photos in my blog in Italy. Of course, my busy scheudle of school is a problm. From now on, I can take a lot of photos again. Especially, I wanna show some my daily life photos and typical life style of Milan. I plan to travel around Europe in the whole August, LX2 would be a good partner in my summer trip.