
My dreams (1)

When I was a little kid, my dream was to become a court prosecutor. I want everyone be treaten fairly in the society. (Actually, I was treated badly by my grandmother due to my female gender.:P In Chinese society, the son is more valuable than the daughter. Because son needs to live with his parents and support his parents' old life.)
When I got older, my dream became to be an architect. I'd to design a nice house for every family to live inside happily. However, I missed the chance to be a architect because my score was not high enough in the university exam. So I studied industrail design instead of architecture. I love design, but I didn't like the designer's life style in Taiwan. I didn't know what to do for my career for almost one tear after I graduated from university.

By chance, I worked for e-commerce as marketing planner, I fell in love in internet immediately. E-commerce is a new business for the future. However, I worked for a company which its finance is in the edge of bankruptcy. So I quitted the job. Then I worked for public relationship in a NGO foundation for one year. I thought in my life PR was the area that I won't get involved so this woud be interesting experience for me. I learned a lot PR skills within one year. Then I decided to go back real business world. Luckily, I got a job offer to work for e-commerce and marketing area in a high-tech company, I really devoted into my job within two and half year, just because I wanted to know where was my limitation.

After working for three and half years, I saw the boundary in my carrer, my view is too narrow to solve problems and make better solutions. I quited my job and decided to study again. I went to traveling and working in Australia for 7 minths, I tried different labor jobs which made me understand there is no such "high-end" or "low-end" job, every job has its value.



*米蘭地標:米蘭大教堂Duomo View Larger image




怪事4:幾天前在地鐵入口,我被怪老頭追著跑,老頭還對著我打手槍--->為什麼我要被變態追著跑~>_<~ 還好我沒有長針眼!




Babies, what are you looking for?

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*3 cats in Segovia, Spain, Sep 2007. View larger image

A bird or butterfly?



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*It rained after this photo was taken. River view in Vienna, 2007 August afternoon. I love the color of sky, mysterious. View larger image

This photo was taken in Vienna in the river side. Actually I was going to swim in the river that afternoon (one of my summer wish). However,right after I arrived the sky started turning dark and it seemed to rain. So I decided not to swim, just sat on a stone, put my feet into the river, and wrote some postcards to my friends and family. It started to rain when I finished my writing and started walking around the river side. I run back to metro station and back to my host's place. Sure I got whole my body wet, but it was still a nice afternoon for me. I still can feel the cold river water surronding my feet, especailly when I have lots of cases need to read like tonight.



我並不是古典音樂迷,但是因為這個日劇讓我開始聽古典樂,之前我在米蘭史卡拉劇院聽演奏會的時候,滿腦子我浮現的都是男主角千秋的身影!我喜歡這部漫畫的原因除了它很搞笑,還有女主角野田ㄈㄟˋ那種無俚頭的幽默和人性化的表現,真的往你喜歡的路上走,才會享受生命的愉悅!最近讀了Apple創辦人Jobs在2005年幫美國某大學畢業生致詞,提及身為創辦人他之前剛被Apple炒魷魚時,說到"I had been rejected, but I was still in love",即使失敗了,但是你依然愛你所做的,這才是最重要的,"You've got to find what you love",然後相信你的直覺,就會走出自己的路!

Jobs的論點挖出了我漸漸遺忘的東西,專注於熱愛的事情上,就會如有神助,也才會快樂。最近學校開始求職的活動,顧問業或金融投資業工作是班上同學的熱門首選,高薪且令人稱羨的行業,讓我不禁恐慌了起來!在同學們一味往前衝的時候,居然還不知道自己的方向在哪裡,這感覺真可怕,但是那樣的光鮮亮麗的行業是我所追求的?I doubt!靜下心想一下,做什麼事情最令我最開心?漸漸地就看到了方向!我該過的是自己的生活,而不是在別人的眼光下過生活!我的恐慌來自我的期許壓力,畢業後我又是回歸原點,一切從頭開始,反正I have nothing to lose, why should I feel scary?



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*Give me the cat, this always makes me feel good. Cats in Segovia, Spain.

I'm so frustrated recently, not only for I failed in international economics, but also my poor Italian, a huge barrier for me. I feel disppointed about myself, I didn't work hard enough and manage time well. I also worried about the poor job oppertunity of Italy for a foreigner,such as me a Taiwanese with troubling visa issue and very poor Italian.
I am not sure what I really want to do in the future, especially when I lost cconfidence. Having a 8 hrs English lectures every day, I still feel exhausted. After class, I am drowned in endless cases and assignments. But I still need to go out for social, because "MBA is all about net work". I drink a lot of coffee everyday and feel headache and sleepy.

Complain doesn't make things better, so I don't want to complian to others. This is not good for me, I really need to complain and get some encouragement sometimes. Otherwise, I feel down. The only change I feel about myself is that I start not looking things so serious as before. As people told me, what's really important is to have fun in MBA. There is no standard answer of success for everyone, so I need not to envy others. I just need to find my own way.