

cat in segovia.jpg
*Give me the cat, this always makes me feel good. Cats in Segovia, Spain.

I'm so frustrated recently, not only for I failed in international economics, but also my poor Italian, a huge barrier for me. I feel disppointed about myself, I didn't work hard enough and manage time well. I also worried about the poor job oppertunity of Italy for a foreigner,such as me a Taiwanese with troubling visa issue and very poor Italian.
I am not sure what I really want to do in the future, especially when I lost cconfidence. Having a 8 hrs English lectures every day, I still feel exhausted. After class, I am drowned in endless cases and assignments. But I still need to go out for social, because "MBA is all about net work". I drink a lot of coffee everyday and feel headache and sleepy.

Complain doesn't make things better, so I don't want to complian to others. This is not good for me, I really need to complain and get some encouragement sometimes. Otherwise, I feel down. The only change I feel about myself is that I start not looking things so serious as before. As people told me, what's really important is to have fun in MBA. There is no standard answer of success for everyone, so I need not to envy others. I just need to find my own way.


  1. Hey cheer up.
    Life has up and down and i'm sure that yours is a lot more interesting than many. and "life will find its way"
    So don't worry too much. haha

    Take care,

  2. cheer up..!!
    cheer up..!!
    cheer up..!!
    cheer up..!!
    cheer up..!!
    cheer up..!!
    cheer up..!!
    cheer up..!!

  3. Cheer up!
    Dreams come true when you keep working hard.
    I am still looking the opportunity for study MBA.
    Tony (Hong Kong)

  4. To Tony, Fenny, and Josh
    Thanks for your guys messages, I am ok now. I know how lucky I am and I should not feel so anxious. I am trying to manage my time better to have less pressure. Also I should enjoy more my student life, it will be over soon. :)

    Hey Tony,
    You can make it, if u really want to go for MBA. No hurry to get MBA. It is good to gain some working experience first before MBA. It's quite important to apply and get into good MBA school, since u invest time and money on MBA. If u have some questions about applying mba, feel free to ask me... u are more than welcome.

    MBA really extends my view. Now I looked back my previous working, at least I can see something that I couldn't see before.

  5. cheer up!
    I am studying abroad in Netherlands.
    I also feel depressed and cry rightnow.
    After crying, i am reading your bolg.
    i want to say that we can cheer up together.

  6. To Hung,

    I remembered that u visited my site before. It's great to know u are studying in the Netherlands now. :)

    What do u study? When did u start ur studying? In my experience, the first few months usually is a hard time for most Taiwanese students studting abroad. But pls relex urself a little bit more and go out to have fun, becasue this is an important part as well. If u want to find someone to talk, feel free to ask for my MSN or Skype. I can share some experience with u.

  7. hi~
    i study urban planning management for 9 months course.
    i started in october this year.
    thank you for encouraging me
    i like to read your blog very much.
    your articles and thought always let me cheer up
    i know studying abroad is my dream and my own choice.
    Even if there are a lot of difficulties for me rightnow, i should come over them by myself.
    thank you very much.
    keep in touch with each other!!


welcome your feedback