
Never say sorry!

Today is not my day! Two my team members (from different team work) said sorry to me. I said "u need not say sorry to me" and "I can understand". What I didn't say is "you should say sorry for yourself".
It's not I don't mind doing more job. But because we share the same remark of this assignment. I understand that everyone has his own priority. We need to decide how to manage our time. Yeah, when u told me "sorry! I am so busy for the other things, I can't have contribution." Don't find such suck excuse! This is your exam as well, this is also the job that u should do. If I feel upset, because from you I didn't see the respect to yourself and other people. Moreover, you lose the chance of learning thing if u don't have commitment to this team work. Instead, I should feel sorry for you!

Please not say sorry to me! But you do lose your credibility in my mind. Finally, I have a lot of things at hands as well, I even don't have enough time to sleep sometimes. What makes you think your time is more important than mine?

Yes, after a lot of team works, we all have our blacklist in our mind. Who will still stay inside our network all depends on working experience that we had togehter. This is what our professor told us in the classroom, I have very deep understanding now.

PS. I do need to learn more soft skills to motivate people doing things!!!!


  1. Hi!
    Recently i participate a leadership training program. I have a lot impact during the course.
    The people who join the program is come from different industry such as IT, Engineering, Accounting, Wealth management, Real Estate Consultant etc. Total 80 person divided to 4 group for competition. In my group, we have 20 people, Through the course i learnt how to communicate with different background and outstanding people. How to work with them with respect feeling. It's really important.
    i think the MBA could also train you how to deal with different style people, (As you know some people could speak very well, but can't do.) Some people could be done very well on backup/ research, however, they can't stand in front of people for presentation. Try to understand what they like, and try to use the strength for everyone in your group. It's necessary skill for you to lead your team member and achieve the same goal for the project.
    My preparation for the MBA 2008:
    (1) Preparation for the GMAT at the end of Dec, 07.
    (2) Written Essay
    (3) thinking about apply 4 to 6 school right now. 2 from Japan, 1 from Melbourne, 2 to 3 from H.K. (still thinking which one will be accept my application).
    Keep in touch.

  2. Ciao Tony,

    It's nice to see your message again in my blog and you are still on the way to the MBA.Your school list looks nice, I think now is a hard time for u, since the deadline of application is coming and u need to prepare the GMAT. Good luck to get the good remark of GMAT.

    MBA did train people to work together. I kind of having too high expectation of MBA student should at least know how to respect others and some basic manner. For example, one my classmate can just dispear..ingore the meeting time and delay or do nothing to her job, until my the other classmate her a email said "if u don't finish your part until today(two days before deadline), we are going to delete ur name of this report(=exam)".

    Some people always say we should do this or that, but when u ask them to meet. He told u "sorry, I have no time to meet". When u told him, "how about we do our job and exchange the file by email later on and then see how we join our work together" He would tell you "but we should work together face to face"---> well then what should I do for u?

    However, everyone's standard is different, don't expect to change others (江山易改,本性難移). As u said, it's important should learn how to work together.

    As u say, try to understand what they like, and try to use the strength for everyone in your group. But how about when your members just don't particpate and have no commetiment at all. Because they want to be a free rider!

    For me, the soft and political skills are very crucial, especially I am a very straight person.

  3. Hi
    In my experience, one of my teammate in my group, She's really strong on organising and email. He's always done a lot by herself, we're strongly felt that.
    If you try to do more, It's hard for you because you're working not only your part, you working nearly whole of the project. But most people they have clear eye. They will understand what you're doing on the project. This is how to distinguish what you're different than other lazy teammate.
    I think it's hard but one day it may be help you to find a job. You know, who know may be one of your teammate may invite you to join the organization if they know you're strong. Right? I also felt that it's not easy to do it. but let's try to overcome such difficulty and become the future leader .


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