
Wishes for 2008

big hand in Roma.jpg
* The big hand is inside Capitoline Museum in Rome. This hand is the cover of Italy Lonely Planet. Finally, I found it in Rome. :)

It seems I have too many wishes in 2008.
1. Get a job/industry that I really love
2. Learn Italian
3. Get the driving license
4. Lose weight to 48 kg
5. See the auroa
6. Travel to the Eastern and Northern Europe
7. Keep improving English
8. One day a post in Hugo Kitchen
9. Keep on good health
10. Make a financial plan

Last but the most important, get a lover in 2008 :)


  1. YA~~~get a lover~~~^^ +oil~~!!

  2. Ohoh...不要光只是幫我加油阿阿! 快去霞海城隍廟(應該就在你家附近..haha)幫我求條紅線(記得要講本人的姓名和生日阿),然後寄到義大利給我吧! 快...給我幾朵好桃花!!!


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