
My wish for 30 years old birthday

Party in Milan before project work.jpg
*Last Party in Milan before project work, Feb 2008

Since I am going to become 30 years old in July 9th. 30 should be a big mile stone in the life. Especially, in Chinese culture it is a important age to stand for your own life.
So before my 30 birthday, I just want to do two things. One is to pick up my Italian, the other is to get a job in Europe.

For this year, I really want to celebrate my birthday with my Taiwanese friends in Taipei, I really missed your guys a lot. But I am not sure if I will go back Taiwan before my birthday. In my plan, my deadline to get a job in Europe is 31th August. If I can get a job earlier, I can go back Taiwan before. Without getting a job, if I can get my Italian stay permit before July. I guess I will start another one month trip to East and North Europe to celebrate my 30 birthday. Then I can leave Europe without any regret. After 30 birthday, I can work like a COW again!!!! It's time to work hard and earn money to pay the bank loan. Working hard and Playing hard is the mission in my 30 ages.

Anyway, I will see what happen before my birthday. Life is too hard to control it.

PS. If anyone want to send me a birthday gift. Anything would be great. I will be very happy to recieve it even before/after my birthday. You can send it to my Taipei home address: 1F., No.205, Lane 39, Jieshou Rd., Sanchong City, Taipei County 241, Taiwan


Cats in Santorini, Greece (1)

*These three cute cats were doing different things at the same time.

Santorini like cat's heaven. I took lots of cats photos there, I will upload these photos later on.

Sunset in Dephi, Greece

*Sunset in Dephi, Greece

One of the most beautiful sunset in my life.

Chinese, English, and Italian.

I have strange feeling now. English starts to become my first thinking lanugage. Regarding I need to use computer without the Chinese typing and writing in English. English is starting to take place of my Chinese.

Yes!!!! My italian is very poor. I still can't have conversation with others. Even after one year living in Italy. Because my English improves A LOT! I can't improve two language at the same time.
Before Italy, I felt relived to speak Chinese when I stayed in Australia. But now,I feel relived to speak English, if I need not to speak Italian with others. And my Chiese speaking is getting worse and worse. Of course my English is not as good as my Chinese.But I feel very comfortable to speak English now. SO I can really concetrated on studying Italian NOW!!!! And I do have a lot of chance to practice my Italian now because I work for a Italian company and everyone try to avoid talking with me if I can only speak ENGLISH.

Last month, my American friend told me...my english has Italian accent....NO!!!!!!!


Internship Life:New start in Fabriano

After two years away from work, I work again for internship. I have started my new life in Fabriano for one wk. So far everything is fine. Here is a beautiful small town. I need to walk for 40 mins to work if no one gives me a ride. Last Saturday I went to the Castellucio with my friends, I saw a beautiful snow view in the mountain area. Yesterday, I played the volleyball match. I hadn't played volleyball for 10 yrs. I played really bad. Today I will play table tennis match,at least I am not so bad.Hopelly I can win. Life is very different here, it's simple and easy, I maybe like it. Who knows? I share a pretty flat with two my classmates, it's fun to live with them. I will upload some nice photos later on. :)








最近幾次的旅行真是很帶塞。不久前從羅馬回米蘭的八小時地獄列車,都還記憶猶新。沒想到希臘之行更是背到極點,首先我遇到不上道的CS host 趁醉想要對我上下其手,不過還是安然度過,雖然現在想到還是很想吐,但堅定的說不+擺臭臉...是有用的!!外國人總以為亞洲女生好上的錯誤印象到底是誰造成的?日本人?中國人?台灣人?



逛完小島,喝完咖啡後,五點時走回搭船的碼頭,晴天霹靂的被宣布,風浪太大,當天沒有船可以回雅典,所以我被滯留在小島,我已經付了當晚在雅典的hostle的費用,而且小島上的旅館一晚就要25歐阿--->我的心真的有種淌血的痛覺,所以當我知道船不開後,當場抓了一個美國男跟我share一間雙人房(twin bed room),將傷害降到最低只要多付13歐就有一個棲身之所,忽然之間,發現自己放超開,連邀外國人開房間這種事我都做了阿=_=。吳媽媽要是知道我在國外幹這事,應該把我打死,但我保證沒有做出什麼傷害美國人的事情,哈哈。--->這真的是錯誤的示範,而且危險,大家千萬不要效法喔!

