
Chinese, English, and Italian.

I have strange feeling now. English starts to become my first thinking lanugage. Regarding I need to use computer without the Chinese typing and writing in English. English is starting to take place of my Chinese.

Yes!!!! My italian is very poor. I still can't have conversation with others. Even after one year living in Italy. Because my English improves A LOT! I can't improve two language at the same time.
Before Italy, I felt relived to speak Chinese when I stayed in Australia. But now,I feel relived to speak English, if I need not to speak Italian with others. And my Chiese speaking is getting worse and worse. Of course my English is not as good as my Chinese.But I feel very comfortable to speak English now. SO I can really concetrated on studying Italian NOW!!!! And I do have a lot of chance to practice my Italian now because I work for a Italian company and everyone try to avoid talking with me if I can only speak ENGLISH.

Last month, my American friend told me...my english has Italian accent....NO!!!!!!!


  1. wooo~~~good for you~~~
    I hope you can speak Italian well when you go back to Taiwan~~^^

  2. it not that easy to speak italian very well... because language takes time to pick up...at least I practice more and more day by day...we will see


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