
Internship Life:New start in Fabriano

After two years away from work, I work again for internship. I have started my new life in Fabriano for one wk. So far everything is fine. Here is a beautiful small town. I need to walk for 40 mins to work if no one gives me a ride. Last Saturday I went to the Castellucio with my friends, I saw a beautiful snow view in the mountain area. Yesterday, I played the volleyball match. I hadn't played volleyball for 10 yrs. I played really bad. Today I will play table tennis match,at least I am not so bad.Hopelly I can win. Life is very different here, it's simple and easy, I maybe like it. Who knows? I share a pretty flat with two my classmates, it's fun to live with them. I will upload some nice photos later on. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm envy your new life "simple" and "easy". Now i worked "hard" and "busy".Enjoy your new life!!Wish i can come to visit you before you back Taiwan.


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