
it sucks...

The Italy embassy just issued me one year Schengan visa to stay in Italy, altough my program statment is 18 months. They do believe their efficient government can finish this stay permit procedure within one year.

Unfortundately, this is not true!!
I have lived in Italy more than one year. I applied the stay permit in the end of Feb 2006. So far, I haven't get the DAMN stay permit. For unknown reason(actally, it is not unknown reason...arrogant italians always dont want to read our English documents and give many foreigners a lot of hard time for our missing documents which are all prepared when we apply for the stay permit.), it is a big challenge to get the card. Dont even mention all the procedure and form are in Italian, people who are responsible with dealing stay permit, they dont speak english and take this for granted. They will blame you if u dont speak Italian. Come on I dont ask you to speak Chinese.We Chinese have more than 1.2 billion in the world, we dont ask people to speak Chinese lanuage. Italy only has 50 million population, why do they ask everyone to speak perfect italian?

So without this Damn stay permit, I cant go anywhere in Europe and i dont think I will get it before I leave Italy. Italy is a beautiful country, but for sure Italy doesnt welcome foreigners to live here. They let many illegal emigrant stay and makes lots crime, but give hard time to people who want to stay legally. I really cant understand this strange logic!!!

1 comment:

  1. so, is everything ok?
    have you gotten the extend stay permit?
    if anything what can I do in Taiwan for you, just inform me~~


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