
Back to Milan

I will finish my internship this Friday and move back to Milan this Saturday. MBA graduation is on 11th June, my family is not able to attend my graduation. I am very sad, because I miss my family very much. :(

So I will go to the Italian language school in Milan for one or two months since 195h May. At the same time, I will apply jobs whatever in Asia or Europe. In the end of MBA, I am running out of my cash and need to keep some money before geetting a job. So I have to control my finance well. However, I still wanna to achieve one month my East and north Europe trip. If I book the airplane ticket earlier the price is very cheap!!

I am very home sick recently, I miss all the delicious Taiwan food!!!To stay longer in Europe, I need to take the risk that I don't get a job and burn out my money. To stay at home, at least I need not to pay rent and living expense is very low. However, I still want to work abroad. Maybe one day I woke up and I feel like it is time to go home. Then I will book the fly and pack everything within a few days. I am really good at escaping from a place in a short time. Who knows?


  1. Congratulations!
    Finish the trip abroad? Welecome home ^^

    After 4yrs in TS EC,well, merged to MIS2, even transferred to sales team, I am kind of burn out the energy. What's the next step? Just as your last words, Who knows?

    Expecting your back in Taipei lo~~~

  2. ciao Rich,

    It is nice to hear from you again. how is the feeling to become a sales man. my next step is to get a good job...simple but not that easy to archieve lo

    see you soon in Taipei


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