

*Xiaoqi,Sophia, me and Eunice on MBA graduation day.

My graduation was on 11th June. Now I officially finished my MBA. I am not a student anymore. It's so sad to say goodbye to my classmates. Since we all come from different countries and will work worldwide. It is not easy to see my classmates again.

I got my MBA diploma. However, I haven't done my last MBA lesson: job seeking. To go home is the easy solution, and I really want to fly back to Taipei in a short time. And all my family are expecting my going home.

I only apply few jobs in Europe. So far, I don't have any good news from European copmanies. I feel kind of frustrated. Since I worked on such a long time to archieve one of my dreams: working aborad. I should not give up so easily. At least I have to try my best to get a job. Otherwise, I will regret later on. So nnless I get a job, I will stay in Milan until the end of July. I have to hang on until the last mintue.

Meanwhile, I am in the process of some interviews with some Taiwanese companies. If a Taiwanese comapny offers me a good offer to work in international enviornment and reasonable salary. I will accept the offer. For me the location is not that important, the job counts.

*Thanks Jim and Henry,MIP new MBA students from Taiwan, attended my graduation. And Sophia gave me a beautiful Sunflower:)


  1. Congraluations!

    You looked very good at the ceremony !

  2. Dear beckylai,

    Thanks, the ceremony was great.
    It has been a while i didnt hear from you.
    How is everything going in HK?

    btw, I didn't recieve your postcard in the end.

    keep in touch.

  3. It's great that you had a wonderful ceremony !

    what is your plan now ? in itlay or going back to taiwan ?

    which address should I write to ?

    Everything is the same in HK ! I still miss australia life !

    keep contact !

  4. Congratulations!

    I hope Europe can keep you...

  5. Hello, my congratulations for your graduation!
    One day I was looking for information about MIP's MBA and I found your blog by luck. Since then I kept reading your news...
    I'm now in the process to apply for the next MBA edition at MIP, is there a way to contact you in order to ask you some suggestions?
    Many thanks in advance,
    best regards.


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