
interview life (1)

I went back Taipei on 7th July. During these two wks, my life is mainly made of interview + meeting friends+ cleaning my flat (no one lives in this flat more than one yr...how dirty it is)+ playing with two cats. I have no idea how long this interview life will go on, but I can't wait going back to the office. As money is always an important element of life. Money does bring some degree of freedom to life. Until now, I have finished 5 interviews. There is no good news yet.
Before MBA, I had less than 10 interviews. I really need more interview experience. So if I get the phone call or email from any company, I will just go for it. It seems interview become my job in this moment.

I am tired of introducing myself again and again and repeating what I did in my previous jobs during interview. But it is interesting to visit different companies and see how they proceed interview process.

Usually, the first step of a interview is to fill in application form. I notice some questions are unrelated to interview or should not be asked. For example, why should I present my family? Why do I need to tell you 1.do I have bank loan,2.how much do I pay for the rent, 3. how much is my monthly expense? What's the matter that if I live with my family and I have a house? Why should I tell you what is my previous salary? Does above questions really matter to my abilities to this job opening? They are very private data and totally none of your business!!! I really don't want to answer your question.

After filling in the application form. The second step is to have test (if the company is big enough). So far, I get the IQ test(math, Chinese etc), EQ test, English-Chinese translation, and business case study. Then is the HR interview. Usually HR will introduce the company and position and discuss the salary expectation with you. After HR interview, there are two possibilities. One is you have to wait for the notice for second interview; the other is to proceed the interview with your future boss.

So far, I have not met any job opening I am really interested in. But it is good to know the job market by doing interview. There are three or four more interviews this week. I am starting applying the openings which are really attractive to me. If I keep having so many interviews, in the end... I could become HR interview expert....then I will apply the position of HR..hehe :)

1 comment:

  1. he. i am not sure if you still remember me..sometime i go around your blog..before i asked you about study abroad in europe. me too, i just came back from netherlands.i started to work in taiwan now. i read this post. i just very funny. are you really asked to answer these question. so funny. your reaction is so cool. "totally none of your business". cool!!girl..why did they ask these private question.....hung


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