


我無法接受也不滿足這個停滯的狀態!!!潛意識在睡夢中發出了警訊.證實我厭惡目前的生活遠大於我想像和我能承受的. Therefore, I have to follow the voice inside my heart and move to next step soon. It has to start from now, no more waiting.


現在,我只有兩個選項可走1.改變現有環境創造我要的氛圍, 2.如果我不能改變氛圍,在這裡創造我要的,就得轉換環境。停滯,只會腐化我,而我決不能妥協...可以接受失敗,但不能接受一個懦弱的自己。對於未來,我要選擇奮戰到底!

改變需要勇氣,起碼我不缺乏勇氣也不害怕改變...最不需要的是'後悔'...anyway, I have nothing to lose.


My european style X'mas Eve dinner

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*my xmas eve dinner

So here is the truth. Last year's X'mas Eva, I was in Florence with my college classmate eating lots Chinese food. This year, I am in Taipei eating Italian salami, potato, italian style tomato salad, bread, roast pork, a bottle of tasty spanish wine, and Panetone (italian X'mas cake). This is life, always hard to predict...

Well, I didn't cook the dinner. I brought the cooked food in a luxury supermarket. Then had this dinner in a friend's place. Luciky my friend has a very nice flat. Therefore I enjoy a pleasure X'mas eve by nice food, good flat, classical music, chatting with a nice old friend.

So here are all the food photos of my Xmas dinner.

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*I really miss italian salami a lot!

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*It is amazing, when i see this traditional italian cake in the supermarket.

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*Also I got the Japanese strewbarry and red bean rice dumperling as desert with green tea.


Wake me up by a cup of coffee or tea

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*Coffee/Tea cup and shop photos. Click to view larger image of this photo

I can't wake up without a cup coffee or tea. The first thing I do in
the morning is to seek for a coffee when I travel around. Sometimes I took photos of coffee or tea that I drink. Recently, I am grouping my photos. I find out that I have many this kind photos in 10 cities: Athen, Bacellona, Berlin, Milan, Munich, Paris,Satonrini, Sydney, Valencia, Vienna. I can't remember how the coffee or tea tasted like, but still fell the cozy and comfortable atmosphere in my mind.


Best Shoot in 2008 (1)

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*Dreaming sunset in Santorini, Feb 2008.

I have never seen sky so dreaming and pink. Santorini is one of the best islands in Greece and the sunset is in the worldranking list. I got good company(a dog and a sister and brother from Korea)when I enjoy the nice sunset.

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* I believe this dog was smiling when I took its photo.

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*The houses look like toy. simple beautiful...


In the end of 2008

In the end of 2008, my company staffs are coming back Taipei HQ for annual report.

Today there is ID briefing. It is interesting to see how my company applies design strategies to product development. I miss the old days that I was so devoted into design. I am so far away from design now even I still reading the desing books and attend some design exhibitions. One thing makes me LOVE design, because the stories behind the products. To be a good designer, you must become a great story teller. Today I do see some good stroy tellers doing the presentation, therefore I have faith that ID can lead this company into right direction. And I will do my best to support design, even I am not designer anymore.
Due to the annual meeting, I do feel that I work for a multinational company now. It is great that I have chance to attend many conferences to know different BU's and my company vision and major issues. This is the first time, I feel that I do make a right decision to come back and work for a Taiwanese company. This is young company, and there are still lots space to makes this company better. If I would love have my contribution to growth with this company.

Of course, all the presentations are in English. In such a big occasion, no excuse for the bad English. Of course the presentation skills count also. My English and presentation skills are still not good enough to handle such a big event. But I know one day I have to present to hundreds or even thouands of people with confidence and I will earn the audience's hurt.



