
Being Mom

I have two good frirends and they are pregant recently. I am so happy for them. They are greeting a new life, it is like a miracle.
I am not that kind of woman that dont want to get married. I do want family and kids. But I understand, it has to be with the right person and I can wait for that. Although I am single and getting old. Somehow I am happy is who I am now. I am maybe a 'Loser Dog' in some people's mind. I am not good at dealing ' complicated relationship' with others, so simple for me is the best. And I am lucky to have many friends and family around and do the things I am in love with in the carrer. Just I want to do more. Thnigs can be changed if we want to and do the right thing right away. These the two faiths I am lving with. Everything is possible, I am still picturing the dreams and heading for it..I don't know what I can achieve in the end of life but I have one dream that some day. Hard to know what is going on next. So what I can do is only enjoy, do the best, and get myself prepared. Like my friends, they are being Mom. Congraduations! :)

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