

原本就不是很開心的一天, 知道一件事後, 更讓我下定決心了, 多日來醞釀的情緒, 終於滿溢, 不要自虐了吧!
我們很難改變大環境,或周遭的人,不知從什麼時候開始, 我學會順其自然不要勉強
悟了, 與其說對生活不滿意,恨自己的軟弱

I don't like my current life. However, it's not others' problems,I blame myself. I make the decision to stay here and I should accpet the result. If I am not satisfied and I can't change things anymore, then I move. I should take actions to change my life. Not suffer, site and wait.

Good that I get the first step, move out and have my own place last month. Now my cats also move in with me this wkend. all I need is to decorate my place is make it home. Then I have my space to think how to take the power to control my life back.

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