
122 - my cats

Dear Hugo,

I pick up my second cat last Sunday from my parents' place to my place - as this younger cat becomes so thin. now when I wake up, I will see my lovely two cats sit in front my bed and ask for breakfast. after work, when I lie down on my couch and read the novel or using PC at home, they either sleep or lie down (not sit) next to me, we share the cozy atomosphere at home. I am pround that they are two happy cats! I wish I were a cat~


125 外面的世界很精彩

Dear Hugo,


今年2月,去算命,把錄音檔拿出來聽, 算命老師說,我是個有自虐傾向的工作狂,是個60分的時候,就想做到70分,做到70分的時候就要做到80分,做到80分的時候-就想做到90分。老闆會很興有這種員工,但是在對人的處理上,也用這個方法的話, 同事會受不了。

容易吃虧,總是做得比別人多,卻不像別人會去要糖吃!所以容易under pay (這點讓人無法忍受!!)。 會哭會吵的小孩有糖吃,可惜我在人前不會哭也不會吵鬧,但久了心裡就委屈不平衡。



More hosting

*guest room with a single bed for couchsurfing guest in my current place

My previous hosts are too nice to me, I have to forward such nice experience to other guests. I do my best to host more than 20 guests (should be 23 guests in Milan & Taipei) so far.

Recently, I host some more couchsurfing guests in a few wks, life is fun and interesting. I learn more from other guests from the ways to live life, this makes me review my life. Sometimes, I ask myself, Why can't I do so? what stop myself doing this? By knowing more people, you know yourself better, this is one of the most beautiful thing to make me appreciate couchsurfing so much! Couchsurfing is not all about the free accommondation (this indeed a great benefit comes with couchsurfing, and this makes you travel to more places and longer), it is also about the amazing interaction between people across countries.
I learn from couchsurfing how I interact with people meet first time from a very shy Taiwanese to become more flexible and open mind to interact with others. and of course I can do better by hosting more. :)
I'd love to do host more, but I need to some time for myself to sort the things out in my life and to digest those impacts from my guests too. To be a better host, it is better to not to have too stressful life and more free time to have to host and give better company to my guests.
For now, I change my couch status from yes to a coffee or drink! I will stop to host people until end of June, Now Except two guests are in my hosting list in coming summer - they do not decide when to arrive yet in summer time.
Also I can't wait to couchsurf with others for the coming trips. Although, I don't have any plan yet. I keep my finger across that I may have a longer break (3-6 months) for traveling soon.
Definitely, I have to keep traveling!


周五晚上陪一個朋友喝酒解悶,我想我應該跟她說'對,都是他的錯. 這男人真的是太差.怎麼會這麼對你!,但我果然不是好聽眾,最後我忍不住跟她說'不要想去改變他,除非他是心甘情願地為了妳改變,我們真的很難改變一個人原本的樣子,你強求他改變,他勉強自己做不喜歡的事情,最後兩個人都不快樂'。但是,兩個人再一起,求的不就是要快樂?

愛是兩個人的事情,要互相扶持一起走下去, 不就是要先好好照顧好自己,不然在對方不開心的時候, 伸出手照顧對方? 讓對方快樂?

自己做不到的事情,要什麼要加諸於人? 想像如果另一半要求我改變自己, 去遷就他的喜好? 那我就變成了他想要的人, 卻失去了當初那個他想要跟我再一起的我!

20多歲的時候, 以自我為中心, 眼中看到的都是我。要求對方為了我改變這件事情,我沒做過,頂多告訴彼此心中的感受, 然後如果彼此想改變, 就會心甘情願地改變。幾年前, 我和很多女生一樣, 都會焦慮, 都希望對方放很多心思在我身上, 藉由感受在他心中自己的重要, 然後才有安全感。對於這樣依賴別人的自己, 感到很可悲。你的價值, 不需要別人來認定。

也是有情況是,自己是心甘情願地改變, 把生活重心放在他身上,不知不覺中失去了自己, 當你沒有了自己, 對方壓力更大, 所以終究還是分手了。分手以後, 我才發現那幾年生活有多麼封閉,雖然那是段非常幸福甜美的美麗時光。

不是每一次都有勇氣去說出我心中真正的想法, 陷自己處於難受的狀態, 最後就是逃避地默默離開。因為如果在一起不快樂, 又何必在一起?

現在, 我覺得愛就是能讓彼此自在做自己的人又能互相扶持。做自已的前提是, 自己要有辦法好好照顧好自己生活還能追求更各自的夢想。愛跟夢想和自我,必須要並行。

對自己目前期許很簡單: 搞定自己工作和生活, 想清楚未來要什麼? 然後好好地談場戀愛。

More hosting

*guest room with a single bed for couchsurfing guest in my current place

My previous hosts are too nice to me, I have to forward such nice experience to other guests. I do my best to host more than 20 guests (should be 23 guests in Milan & Taipei) so far.
Recently, I host some more couchsurfing guests in a few wks, life is fun and interesting. I learn more from other guests from the ways to live life, this makes me review my life. Sometimes, I ask myself, Why can't I do so? what stop myself doing this? By knowing more people, you know yourself better, this is one of the most beautiful thing to make me appreciate couchsurfing so much! Couchsurfing is not all about the free accommondation (this indeed a great benefit comes with couchsurfing, and this makes you travel to more places and longer), it is also about the amazing interaction between people across countries.

I learn from couchsurfing how I interact with people meet first time from a very shy Taiwanese to become more flexible and open mind to interact with others. and of course I can do better by hosting more. :)

I'd love to do host more, but I need to some time for myself to sort the things out in my life and to digest those impacts from my guests too. To be a better host, it is better to not to have too stressful life and more free time to have to host and give better company to my guests.

For now, I change my couch status from yes to a coffee or drink! I will stop to host people until end of June, Now Except two guests are in my hosting list in coming summer - they do not decide when to arrive yet in summer time.

Also I can't wait to couchsurf with others for the coming trips. Although, I don't have any plan yet. I keep my finger across that I may have a longer break (3-6 months) for traveling soon.

Definitely, I have to keep traveling!


139 - stay positive, foolish, and hugary.

*an opening party of shop in Taipei eastern zone

Dear Hugo,

A friend tells me to live @ Taipei is too comfortable, after staying 2 months here he can’t feel any difference anymore. This is interesting and so true, living in Taipei is the most convenient thing is the world; everything is handy to access in an affordable price in local salary level.

You may join a late party in Friday night, eat late @ local food at street food vendors, a 2am movie, or even stay a 24 hrs bookshop in downtown overnight, watch a very early morning breakfast, then catch a taxi home and wake up late to have brunch. Thousands of 24 hrs convenience stores are presented everywhere in Taiwan.

I come back Taipei for 2.5 years, once I lost feelings about the life due to unreasonable stressful job. After moving out of my parents’ place and rent my own space, now I cool myself to have clearer mind set about what to move on for next. Due to slowdown of my project (out of my control), I have more energy for my private life again. I gain back the energy to grow myself like a teenager. Also I want to explore new countries and cities more, and spend time on those beautiful things and enjoy the life more.

Taipei is definitely my favorite city (not only in Taiwan, but also in the world), I feel too nice to live here without new changes coming – no vibration. I need something new to challenge life again. I am thinking to press pause button for a while and travel around. There are still so much to see and do. I feel like to get out of Taiwan and to live other cities for a while (whatever for traveling or working). Although, I have no idea where to head to yet.


Green Island - 綠島小夜曲


4月29日到5月2日, 3天的的隨興小島行。我從台北搭夜車到台東, 早上六點和我的德國沙發客,在車站會合後,一起到富岡漁港坐船到綠島(很晴天霹靂地知道現在沒有船到蘭嶼)。

一上島租了機車 (在綠島, 沒有機車就等同沒有腳),跑去傑克飯店的咖啡店補充咖啡因,雖然只是喝咖啡, 販店的大姊還是很親切地拿出地圖,告訴我們綠島有哪裡好玩, 還有一隻很厲害的狗, 躺在沙發上跟我們一起聊天。

結果一待就是兩個小時,搞到最後老闆叫我們看飯店外出購物去。出了飯店居然就下起雨,一躲雨就是一個多小時,把本來外宿(wait out overnight) 的計畫打亂, 最後只好找民宿啦, 第一天只環了半個綠島。


晚上出去吃飯的時候, 吃了一頓長達3小時的晚餐,中途有醉漢山豬(I am mountain pig!)攪局,一直問我為什麼要跟德國人說英文? 跟德國人怎麼認識的? 要解釋沙發衝浪真的太複雜, 所以我被當成了伴遊妹 (儘管看我的條件就知道我根本不是當伴遊妹的料)。看著山豬猜我年紀只有25歲的份上, 我可以原諒他 (雖然醉漢的話不可信..但女人就是傻)。我也不懂老闆娘一直強調德國人很有錢的論點是從何而來? 金髮藍眼天生給人高貴的印象啊~ So unfair!

第二天早上起床, 以為是晴空萬里的好天氣,吃早餐後又下起大雨, 只好逛起紀念品店, 趁著雨小點又繼續上路, 雖然天空不作美, 一起看起來灰濛濛, 但綠島的天然火山地形和綠-造就強烈亞熱帶島嶼風格, 騎著機車到處晃的感覺也真的太愜意了! 淋著雨騎車...騎過石朗, 大白沙, 朝日溫泉,睡美人與哈巴狗, 涼亭,柚子湖, 柴口等。雨下下停停.陽光時而露臉,灑在海面上的藍綠色,真的是太美~繞著山,雲霧瀰漫, 望著海看著夕陽和飛機起降,這份悠閒, 真的是要有勇氣走出台北才能夠得到~


落日後, 繞去燈塔旁的小沙灘,這裡的淺灘很適合游泳, 坐在沙灘上挑著貝殼和星沙,然後衝去吃BBQ, 這是我這輩子吃過最難吃的燒烤, 尤其旁邊還有很吵的聯誼大學生再唱卡拉ok! 然後又回到傑克飯店喝咖啡.然後,在黑嘛嘛的一片黑裡,騎車衝去朝日溫泉,在星光下享受著世界上唯三海底溫泉, 為今天畫下完美句點。

第三天, 艷陽高照的好天氣, 決定殺去柴口浮潛, 300塊一次真是太便宜了! 看到一群群,魚和彩色的珊瑚在身邊游來游去, 衝來綠島玩真是太值得! 離開船還有幾個小時,為了明信片上的海蝕洞/睡美人/哈巴狗太迷人, 為了紀念品店老闆怎麼去後,決定要去探險,沿著珊瑚礁岸移動跳躍, 最後終於到了懸涯底的海岸邊的海蝕洞, 水無敵藍和冰涼, 天好藍, 這地方變成我印象中綠島最美的地方。






*水好冰, 水底下的珊瑚很美


當我以為我為了這趟旅程,畫下最令人難忘的句點,準備打道回府時, 走回到機車旁, 才發線上山下海時, 把機車鑰匙搞丟了! orz...真的對租車行萬分抱歉~老闆還要自己來把車騎回去~搭船回台東後, 當天我搭夜車回台北, 到台北是星期一早上, 回家洗完澡就去上班,真是充分運用時間阿~

如果不是和外國人一起旅行,我不會看到綠島這麼多的原始風光,台灣人沒有這麼愛上山下海的啦! 綠島行, 深刻感受台灣真的很棒。一定要找機會花一個月騎機車環島,把台灣走透透!




Dear Hugo,

Being busy to cath up the progress with endless tasks in the office, I can't think and care too much anymore. I get to remove some things to relax myself a little bit.

There are some plans made for June, I am looking forward to meet old classmtes in NCKU for 10 yrs reunion and lots of delicious street food in Tainan. How do 10 years change a person's life?

I travel to 18 countries, work with 6 companies for 7 yrs, get a master degree, live in 2 countries, host 23 guests and stay 12 couches, know so many new friends worldwide, learn italian language, create many shopping cities, move many times....etc.


瓦納納西 (Varanasi)--讓恆河洗淨一身的罪惡吧

搭著夜車造訪Varanasi, 火車應該在早上8:40 到站, 卻延遲到11:30, 讓我心情變很差, 因為當天要搭晚上7:15的車回德里, 原本10小時的拜訪現在只剩6小時。 火車上我睡上鋪, 下鋪是一個法國來的老奶奶, 照著丈夫的遺願, 帶著老伴的骨灰來灑在恆河中-這是老奶奶第二次造訪Varanasi, 第一次造訪是38年前的事。法國老奶奶人很好地讓我從火車站搭便車到恆河畔的飯店,然後我跟老奶奶道別, 迫不及待地想從小巷弄中鑽出河畔的路上。
跟一家商店問路時候赫然發現是一家生意很好的Lassi – Lassi Blue, 忍不住叫了一杯香蕉口味的lassi, 在等待的過程中跟對面的三位旅客 (韓國男生和一對波蘭情侶)閒聊, 才發現這家店是韓國人必訪的Lassi店, 相談甚歡下決定下午一起行動。

*可愛的Lassi 杯子

沒想到一鑽出小巷, 首先映入眼簾的就是火葬場, 成堆的木材, 一個個的屍體相繼被浸入恆河水中在洗淨一身的罪惡後, 放在恆河旁架好的木頭堆上, 一把火點燃, 最後化為灰燼在投入恆河中, 和天地從此和為一體。

不過,當火堆中露出一截被燒成一半的小腿和腳掌赤裸裸地呈現在眼前時, 是震撼的。波蘭男看完火葬就閃回旅館睡午覺了, 真令人羨慕的悠閒。


我和波蘭女和韓國男, 走過一個接一個的Ghat (河階),中途還有印度人要求拍照, 沒想到我們在觀光景點被當成景點欣賞, 明明是二月份的寒冬, 天氣卻炎熱地令人冒汗, 最後韓國人受不了地逃走了。剩下我和波蘭女在一個接一個的河階漫遊,走累的就入境隨俗地在河階上來杯Masala Tea最後我們走到了波蘭情侶旅館的屋頂, 俯瞰整個舊城區享受著微風徐徐 (波蘭情侶住的地方真是太便宜了-200盧比一晚)。然後走回河畔,繼續我們的河階漫遊一直到Tulsi Ghat。殺紅了眼才找到80盧比 (旅遊中心老伯指點我的合理價)的船, 河上的風景真是太美了, 寧靜而優雅, 恆河水並沒有想像中的髒臭, 河岸的建築在行走的時候並沒有這麼美麗但是在河上看就美不勝收, 跟河上賣花的小弟花了20盧比在花盤上點上蠟燭, 隨著恆河漂流。晚上六點半在河畔上是有固定祭典的. 但我跟韓國人都要趕夜車回德里, 就只好忍痛放棄說再見。


也許是因為都學設計和做網站, 我跟波蘭女很聊得來, 所以有一趟快樂的河階漫步, 而且他男友也是沙發衝浪客, 我衷心希望有一天他們也會來台北來當我的客人 

我和韓國人搭人力車回車站的時候, 一路上司機硬要講自己很辛苦,還說我們試他的brother和sister, 下車時明明講好了50塊, 給100塊要司機找錢時, 司機卻不想找錢, 我氣得跟路邊小販買了花生,換零錢, 結果在火車上和其他乘客聊起這件事的時候, 其他乘客說其實50盧比也不過才1美金, 就給他就好了, 幹嘛吵,想想也對, 這真的是小錢, 為了小錢掃興, 得不償失。再說, 如果用這點小錢可以讓司機開心, 好像也沒什麼不好。我本來覺得對司機這種不守信的態度很生氣, 但是現在想想, 為何不能入境隨俗, 吃虧就是占便宜。來印度就是要chanti chanti (peace and take thing slowly, clam down)

回德里的夜車車廂中, 同車廂我遇到了一個印度導遊, 瑞士人, 義大利人, 他們對於我一天造訪Varanasi 和 Rresikesh 的瘋狂舉動覺得難以理解, 不過他們都是印度通, 瑞士人和義大利人甚至還會講印度話。這印證了, 來印度的人要嘛就是發誓不再來, 不然就是深深愛上這個國家會再回來。有幾位男士的陪伴, 漫長的車程變得很愉快。

再見, Varanasi, 也許38年後我會和法國老奶奶一樣, 再次跟你相遇。




帶媽媽買了三雙鞋, 一件衣服, 一頓下午茶+晚餐, 天南地北地跟媽媽聊天,說一些平常不會說的話。


我不是很孝順貼心的女兒, 過自己的生活,活在自己的世界中, 拼命往前衝時, 看不到周圍發生的事情, 但回頭總是會看到媽媽在後面默默地守候我, 即使是要哭著送我走。即使我變成剩女, 媽媽還告訴著我只要你開心, 不一定要結婚。

無論在外面受了多大的委屈和挫折, 媽媽總是最後的避風港, 所以說, 有媽的孩子真的是寶!


Dear Hugo,

很多事情,在乎了, 心情會不好, 學會不在乎和放下,日子會比較好過。但對喜歡的事情要有熱情和堅持,儘管勇氣需要一點一滴累積。有想要做的事情, 要馬上去做,時機過了就過了。慢慢地移動, 漸漸地脫離目前的生活,學會了不嚴肅,找回孩子氣,找回動力。


昨天早上重回課堂, 花了很大的力氣才讓自己不昏迷,上完課匆匆離開,其實大可以留下認識更多朋友。 上完課覺得,原地不動, 世界仍在快速轉動,還是要往前進(錢!?)進。



Dear Hugo,

Having many changes in my life recently makes me feel live again. Slightly losing weight is a good sign,Weight is always a stressful indicator of my life, losing weight mean I am getting control of my life. When I am not so stressful, I can take care of my eating and private life well. Start hosting many surfers from different countries, meeting different people worldwide and sharing different stories also motives me to do more things.

the most important thing is I know ' I am happy again'. though I don't really know what will happen next but I am happy!



Dear Hugo,

靦腆的笑容,修長的身形,白淨的臉龐,執著的熱情!走在生命不同的階段,在這短暫的交集中,更放鬆看待生活,更勇敢地面對自己。一起生活下廚做菜旅行, 這種跳脫一般定義,非情人的異性朋友相處模式,很Free。
