
Go with flow

It has been a month that I don't post anything in my blog. I know busy is not a good excuse, but this is quite a private blog - I hope my close friends who visit here time by time will forgive my lazy.

So what I did in last 1.5 months? I went to a biz trip to Netherlands and Germany for one week.
*view of Cologne Dorm from my hotel window

After one week in Taipei, I went to a volunteer project in Indonesia for rain forest environment protection to raise the awareness on endanger orangutan. Surprisingly, I hang out with university students quite well during the volunteer trip - my mind is still young. :)

*me jump into water

*me swim in the river

Additionally I am learning Spanish - because I talked with my boss that I want to get the job rotation to south America, he told me BUT you don't speak Spanish. So here I am studying Spanish, not only for having another language skill but also I have a dream to travel around middle and south America for at least 3 months. also just for fun to learn Spanish with other 2 coworkers. Because I still have a dream to work abroad, and it sounds an attractive idea to work in Latin America.

Moreover, I am reading the books about the mobile application and user interface/experience (UI/UX). this makes me feel like home, as my major is industrial design, it is easy to go into UI/UX.

I am thinking to change my life from current status. however, to make changes, you have to prepare for it. I am making the preparation happily. Go with flow, and I am looking forward to seeing what comes later on.

table nearby window.jpg
*a friend took table photo from my place, it looks so nice

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