
Bye 2011

The last day in 2011, I had a nice lunch and dinner with friends, then I went to see the wonderful Taipei 101 new year fireworks in Minquan Bridege.

On the way back to home after count down, I though about, what was the most important things for me in 2011? it seems nothing really important in the first thought, but still some things interesting

If I have to choose
1. two wks serice as international volunteer in Indonesia
2. traveling:
a great trip @ India
a cozy holiday in Gili islands
a pleasure trip to green island
a free summer trip in Hualien

4. Learn spanish
5. host some CS guests (lazy to count how many)

My wish for 2012
1. a very loooooong break (3-6 months)
2. buy a house
3. jump into app.
4. speak fluent Spanish
5. work out of Taiwan

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