

旅行到尾聲, 不斷地問自己要怎樣開始旅行結束後的生活?
有很多想法在腦海裡轉啊轉, 要怎麼樣take action才是挑戰

只是踏出未來的每一步, 我會停下來問自己這樣做的意義和價值何在?
不該是為了迎合別人的期待而做了的抉擇, 而是為了自己活

前陣子和一位重逢的德國女生聊天, 我和她都做了讓家人傷腦筋的決定和生活。
她為愛搬去另外智利,在一個說著另外一個語言的國家 做著按摩師的工作開始新生活 (在德國她是研究員);而我在30多歲的年紀, 還是決定揹起大背包環遊世界, 流浪天涯。

即使我們的家人朋友不能理解,但我們都知道, 唯有過讓自己開心的生活, 我們愛的家人朋友們才會放心。


The world is small!


Last August when I traveled to Myanmar, I met a German girl, Sabine. We got along very well and that's the beginning of my trip. Then we said goodbye to continue our different journey.

Two months ago, Sabine moved to San Pedro de Atacama in Chile to be with her Chilian bf. Yesterday after a long 18 hours bus ride from Peru to San Pedro, we meet up again in San Pedro, it is so nice to meet her again and know she starts new life here smoothly. She is a really amazing girl to explore the possibility of life. I wish to have her courage to change the life. FINALLY I am happy to visit Chile - 44th countries achieved.   — at San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.

Fell down 圤街

It is dangeorous to have a big backpack on back and a small back in front, then you can''t see things under shoulder in front of you anymore.

This is why I fell down in front of tons people on bus station yesterday. I saw a forklift truck at left hand side and couldn't see the forklift on the ground. I struggled to stand up in a very funny way with havey 20kg backpack (back) + 7kg small backpack (front). My left lower leg was hit seriously by forklift and I felt damn painful. This was so embrassing, afterI stood up, pretended nothing then walked away.


[巴拿馬]經驗分享-搭巴士/計程車離開及到達巴拿馬機場(Tocumen International Airport)

分享給預算有限的背包客-搭巴士便宜進出機場的方式 (目前有捷運在蓋直達機場, 預定2013完工,但不知何時通車)
抵達巴拿馬前, Couchsurfing朋友告訴我走出機場就可以搭巴士到市區的Via Espana 這個貫穿市中心的主要道路, 車費只要0.25 USD, 巴士剛好經過朋友家附近的Casino Veneto.

結果我一出關, 問旅遊中心..得到的答案是巴士在走出機場的右手邊的馬路上, 然後要搭巴士的話要有巴士卡, 但是機場沒有賣, 所以你唯一的選擇是搭taxi, 單乘是28 USD, 跟別人共乘是16 USD

馬上有計程車司機過來, 帶我去坐共乘計程車...那些沒事做的司機見我一個人背著大背包, 也不說話, 就讓我一個人傻等, 站了10分鐘後, 我忍不住問司機什麼時候發車, 司機很不客氣的說起碼30分鐘, 如果你不想等, 馬上付單乘的錢就可以發車, 見計程車司機態度這麼差, 我不想搭車了

後來問了警察也不願意告訴我哪裡搭公車@@, 所以我厚臉皮拜託一輛要出機場的車(剛好是一個小家庭), 順路帶我出機場, 想說出了機場在搭計程車會便宜很多! 出機場後, 司機爸爸找了一個地方讓我下車, 我花了8USD, 直接搭計程車到朋友家

要回機場搭機的時候, 我在Calle 50 搭了到機場的Metro Bus, 我雖然沒有Metro卡, 但是拜託一起上車的人, 幫我刷卡, 然後我付現 (但是巴拿馬人大多很好, 不願意收錢), 然後我請司機到了Tocumen International Airport 前要記得通知我下車, 由於搭車時間是早上7點半車程約50 分鐘

出機場後, 往右手邊走到底, 你會看到一個賣食物的小餐廳..旁邊有個小通道, 請勇敢走進去, 出了小通道, 是停車場, 走出停車場, 沿著人行道走出機場, 你會看到巴士站亭, 但是那是搭巴士到達機場要下車的地方, 你要跨過馬路到對面的巴士站亭 ...出機場時你會看到出機場右前方有廣告看板, 巴士亭其實就在附近, metro bus 是白色的, 車都很新, 會標示'TOCUMEN-VIA ESPANA'...基本上VIA ESPANA, 是貫穿市區的主要道路之一, 也會到市中心附近, 拜託一起上車的人幫你刷卡, 然後你付現金給他 (這裡的metro卡, 可以連續刷很多次扣款)
a.在calle 50搭上任何有顯示Tocumen的巴士, 車費0.25 usd. 根據交通狀況會耗時50-90分鐘, 下車後要走約300公尺進機場
b. 根據LP, Albrook bus terminal 有直達機場的巴士, 車費約1美金

*metrobus prepaid card, 卡單買 $2.00, 然後儲值額度
搭巴士逛巴拿馬市還滿方便的, 省得跟taxi司機不順路不載客, 且要多次議價很煩..

單乘28 USD 左右, 共乘約16 USD /人
*其實願意走出機場攔計程車的話, 約15 USD
從市區搭計程車到機場約15 USD

巴拿馬的計程車大多不跳錶的, 所以上車前要議好價, 免得被宰...很多司機都信口大開價
一般來說在市區內搭計程車約1-2 USD, 車費不應超過3USD,
但會常遇到獅子大開口的司機, 你只要說no, 等下一輛車, 繼續議價


Finally arrive South America!

*View on the way from Lima to Arequipa

Yesterday afternoon right after landing Lima airport, my adventure in Peru starts:took the local bus(rejected at least 20 taxi, a cute girl help me find the right bus) from airport to cruz del sur bus terminal, right on time to catch on a 16 hours luxurious overnight bus(with bed, pillow, blanket, dinner, breakfast,movies, even wifi) to Arequipa in south Peru. View along the way on the bus is quite amazing sometimes. I am ready to have much fun to explore South America by practicing my poor Spanish! — at Peru.

Missed Calls

This morning I am woke up by many missed call from my brother, mother! this worries me...seems some bad news that they need to contact with me ASAP!!??

So I call my family by using my Taiwan phone number (very expensive international phone call) in sleepy 3AM in Panama! It turns out just I didn't call phone in 2 weeks (no internet in Cuba for 10 days) SO my mother WANTS to know if I am still alive...HAHAHAHA....



Couchsurfing in Panama City

*with Roberto and Andres.

Thanks for the great hosting in Panama city, I had a group of nice guys (Roberto from Brazil, Andres from Chile, and Rudy from USA) host me in a fancy modern building (27F) with great view and they are vey humor and kind - and acciently host me twice.
While my next host should pick me up in their place and Roberto and I waited for this host for 1.5 hrs. However it ended up my next host made up a shitty excuse and didn't show up: she had a car crash and can't move her car, and she will call back when she is available. BUT SHE NEVER CALL and DISAPPEARED. So these guys host me twice with the understanding my next host lies as' this is what I told my teacher SORRY My dog ate my homework..." ha...In return I cooked 3 Chinese dishes for them, I wish my cooking does not torture their stomach too much.

*what I cooked for dinner


Panama Canal checked!

*Panama Canal - Miraflores Gate

Panama city is pretty and modern with great sea view. This makes me so homesick, suddenly I miss amazing Taipei city life a lot. Panama has developed so quick in last 10-15 yrs - as money lanury machine, lots highraises, shopping malls, and fancy hotels. Casco Antiquo has lots classic colonial old buildings. Traffic is really horrible, taxi drivers are greedy - need to negoitiate many times to get a reasonable price, but people are super friendly - each time I get on the bus always someone yeild his seats to me and even I don't have bus card, people pay for my bus ride. Casino is interesting, a lot of sexy women are waiting there for providing happy service after men win money.
— at Panama Canal.


Hitchhiking in Cuba

*hitch hike a cow cart is definitely FUN

Coolest hitch hike experience in Cuba! Right after I took this photo, the driver of this cow cart ask me to jump on the cart~ — in Viñales, Pinar del Rio.


Tulum bech, Mexico

*Perfect holiday beach - Tulum bech, Mexico

Once I step on the sand beach in Tulum, this is the most softest sand beach in my life. Also I swim with lots small fishes. Charming Caribbean Sea - perfect long beach/soft sand/breeze/sea water, this is definitely where you want to get out of stressful life for a relaxing holiday!