*with Roberto and Andres.
Thanks for the great hosting in Panama city, I had a group of nice guys (Roberto from Brazil, Andres from Chile, and Rudy from USA) host me in a fancy modern building (27F) with great view and they are vey humor and kind - and acciently host me twice.
While my next host should pick me up in their place and Roberto and I waited for this host for 1.5 hrs. However it ended up my next host made up a shitty excuse and didn't show up: she had a car crash and can't move her car, and she will call back when she is available. BUT SHE NEVER CALL and DISAPPEARED. So these guys host me twice with the understanding my next host lies as' this is what I told my teacher SORRY My dog ate my homework..." ha...In return I cooked 3 Chinese dishes for them, I wish my cooking does not torture their stomach too much.
*what I cooked for dinner
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